Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Yogi Bear

We took our annual camping trip to Yogi Bear last week (it's considered "annual" if this is the 2nd summer we've gone, right?).  Although it wasn't as warm as last year (a polar vortex in July????  Really Mother Nature?) it was still awesome weather for camping.  Plus it was a good temperature for Mason who can't really do much to cool himself off yet anyway.

The big kids had a blast, the mom's had a good time once we got there (getting packed and ready for camping ranks right up there with a root canal--it's worth it in the end.  Megan and I both have some pretty comical stories-after the fact-about our dear husbands.  Let's just say swear words were involved and the more swear words we used the more shots we added to our first "stress reliever" drink at the campground).  I'm pretty sure the dad's had fun too, as their can coozies were never empty for too long :-)

Anyway, here's tons of pictures of the little cuties!
Big step for Kade, he let Cindy touch him!  He even High 5'd Yogi!  Last year he wouldn't go near them.

Dance Party!!  Have you ever seen a more focused and determined dancer?  I have a fantastic video of this too.  I'll be sure to upload it soon...and use it as blackmail later in life :-)

I'm still holding out hope for a Happily Ever After for these two :-)

Someone is super pumped about his first ever hole-in-one!!  Too bad it was pure luck, as the other holes averaged about 20 strokes and a pick-the-ball-up-and-toss-it-in to finish the hole.

Mason and I chilled in the shade while everyone else swam.  He didn't seem too upset about not taking a dip.

I'm a lucky lady.

Someone is looking like he's going to follow in his big brother's footsteps.  He's BIG.  Are we sure Mason is only 5 months old?

Sleepy heads

Classic Mason.  Chewing on anything he can fit in his mouth.  Darn mosquito got him under his eye.  Can't blame the mosquito though, he is one sweet little man!

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