Friday, June 27, 2014

What Is That Smell??

Kade's got stinky feet.  We're not talking "haven't been bathed in awhile" stink.  We're talking "clear the room" stink.  Lady A warned us.  She told us she has stinky feet and most of the men in her family have stinky feet.  It's not that I didn't believe her, I did, I just didn't believe the magnitude she was describing.  Let me tell you, she wasn't lying!

Last weekend, after we all loaded into the truck to head home from camping, Erik and I looked at each other and said, "Which one of us stepped in dog poop?".  We checked the soles of everyone's feet, even Mason's, but they were all clean.  On a side note, I have a pretty keen sense of smell, it's actually something people know about me.  One time I smelled gas in the building where I work but no one else could.  Turns out there was a gas leak and the entire building had to be evacuated thanks to my above average sniffer.  I'm like a hound dog!  Anyway, I put my nose to work in the truck to find where the dog poop was hiding.  It was hiding on Kade's feet, except it wasn't dog poop.  It was his natural smell.  I'm heading out tomorrow to buy every product available that promises to take care of foot odor.  Wish me luck!

With a face like that and eyes that blue, who cares about a little stench coming from his feet?!

1 comment:

  1. you're not alone! I too have stinky feet and have passed it onto my children. Let me know if you find any products that work!
