Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The weekend of Mason's baptism is also the first time my brother and his family got to meet Mason, in person.  The miracle of FaceTime allowed iPad meetings :-)

Here are some pictures of that:
Kade taking his gal, Viv, for a ride in grandpa's hot rod.

Auntie Evelyn and Mason in their color coordinated stripes.  They didn't even plan it!

The back of my brother Jeremy's head and a super cute shot of Mason :-)

Jeremy and the boys

Mason and Vivienne getting up close and personal

Park time!

Poor Mason just has to sit and watch.  He's got his head support down but his abs aren't quite up to sitting in a swing yet.  This kid is strong though so he'll be in a swing soon!
Viv was scared to cross this bridge by herself so Kade ran over to escort her across.  As they got to the other side he said to her, "It's a good thing I was here for you or you would've been stuck on the bridge all day!"

In other news, Kade learned how to ride his bike without training wheels this past Saturday!  By "learn" I mean he got on, told us he didn't want any help, and then pedaled away.  He's been trying to do that for the past few weeks but fear was holding him back.  Not anymore!  We're so proud of him!  Here's a video, titled, "Kade Tutorial:  How To Ride Your Bike".  He makes it sound so easy....

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