Saturday, June 14, 2014

Mason's 4 Month Appt

Mason had his 4 month appointment on Wednesday.   He's big, strong and healthy!  Of course he had shots.  It was devastating.  He had big smiles for everyone thru out the entire appt.  He even had big smiles for the nurse while she had him in the leg lock.  He literally went from big smiles to shock to confusion to screams in a matter of 0.3 seconds.  I think the nurse was just as upset about giving him the shots as he was about receiving them!

Mason continues to be a big boy, just like his brother!  He's in mainly 12 month clothing along with a few big 9 month stragglers.  I'm always willing to bet that he's bigger than Kade was. Can you guess who was bigger?  Neither!  They are the exact same size, just like they were at 2 months!  It freaks me out!!  God definitely meant for these 2 to be brothers!!

Here's Mason's stats:

Length:  2'2" (76%)
Weight:  16.87 lbs  (77%)
Head:  43.3 cm  (91%)

And in case you were wondering about Kade's 4 month stats:

Length:  2'2"  (77%)
Weight:  17.2 lbs   (82%--so Kade has Mason by 0.33 lbs)
Head:  44 cm  (85%)

I wonder if biological brothers are this close in stats??

After I took this picture of Mason, I remembered I took almost the exact same picture of Kade when he was 5 months old.  Here it is!

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