Wednesday, June 25, 2014

This past weekend we took our first camping trip of 2014 and Mason's first camping trip ever!  Kade is an old pro by now so he had fun teaching Mason everything he knew.  Mainly that sleeping in the camper is awesome.  Saturday night, right before Kade crashed, he said to me, in a very sleepy voice, "Mom, I wuv sleeping in my camper bed."  It's true, both boys do their best sleeping in there!!  I think I might have to remember that next time Mason takes a 20 minute nap...which was just this morning from 7:45-8:05.

We went with Erik's cousin and his family.  They have 3 kids of their own plus they brought their niece and nephew.  Bella, who is going into 7th grade, is Kade's new love.  If I ever needed to find him, I just looked for her.  He stuck to her like glue!  We also had friends come out to visit us too.  At one point there was 13 kids and 8 parents!  Kade had a blast playing with everyone and Mason had a blast watching the kids play.  His head turned back and forth so much, it was like he was watching a tennis match.

It was a fun but exhausting weekend.  We can't wait to go again!

Part of the crew.  It was impossible to get them all to stand still long enough for a picture!

Kade and his gal, Ellie, getting ready to ride off into the sunset.

Kade and Bella.

Proof that he actually left Bella's side for a little bit!

The camping crew!

Mason discovered his feet this weekend.  He was in this position most of the time.

Kade's trying hard to hold back a smile, he is in heaven in this picture!

I did manage to sneak in about 3 minutes with my big boy before he ditched me for the much younger and cooler kids :-)

At least we still have Mason, he can't run away from us yet!

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