Friday, June 27, 2014

What Is That Smell??

Kade's got stinky feet.  We're not talking "haven't been bathed in awhile" stink.  We're talking "clear the room" stink.  Lady A warned us.  She told us she has stinky feet and most of the men in her family have stinky feet.  It's not that I didn't believe her, I did, I just didn't believe the magnitude she was describing.  Let me tell you, she wasn't lying!

Last weekend, after we all loaded into the truck to head home from camping, Erik and I looked at each other and said, "Which one of us stepped in dog poop?".  We checked the soles of everyone's feet, even Mason's, but they were all clean.  On a side note, I have a pretty keen sense of smell, it's actually something people know about me.  One time I smelled gas in the building where I work but no one else could.  Turns out there was a gas leak and the entire building had to be evacuated thanks to my above average sniffer.  I'm like a hound dog!  Anyway, I put my nose to work in the truck to find where the dog poop was hiding.  It was hiding on Kade's feet, except it wasn't dog poop.  It was his natural smell.  I'm heading out tomorrow to buy every product available that promises to take care of foot odor.  Wish me luck!

With a face like that and eyes that blue, who cares about a little stench coming from his feet?!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

This past weekend we took our first camping trip of 2014 and Mason's first camping trip ever!  Kade is an old pro by now so he had fun teaching Mason everything he knew.  Mainly that sleeping in the camper is awesome.  Saturday night, right before Kade crashed, he said to me, in a very sleepy voice, "Mom, I wuv sleeping in my camper bed."  It's true, both boys do their best sleeping in there!!  I think I might have to remember that next time Mason takes a 20 minute nap...which was just this morning from 7:45-8:05.

We went with Erik's cousin and his family.  They have 3 kids of their own plus they brought their niece and nephew.  Bella, who is going into 7th grade, is Kade's new love.  If I ever needed to find him, I just looked for her.  He stuck to her like glue!  We also had friends come out to visit us too.  At one point there was 13 kids and 8 parents!  Kade had a blast playing with everyone and Mason had a blast watching the kids play.  His head turned back and forth so much, it was like he was watching a tennis match.

It was a fun but exhausting weekend.  We can't wait to go again!

Part of the crew.  It was impossible to get them all to stand still long enough for a picture!

Kade and his gal, Ellie, getting ready to ride off into the sunset.

Kade and Bella.

Proof that he actually left Bella's side for a little bit!

The camping crew!

Mason discovered his feet this weekend.  He was in this position most of the time.

Kade's trying hard to hold back a smile, he is in heaven in this picture!

I did manage to sneak in about 3 minutes with my big boy before he ditched me for the much younger and cooler kids :-)

At least we still have Mason, he can't run away from us yet!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Mason's 4 Month Appt

Mason had his 4 month appointment on Wednesday.   He's big, strong and healthy!  Of course he had shots.  It was devastating.  He had big smiles for everyone thru out the entire appt.  He even had big smiles for the nurse while she had him in the leg lock.  He literally went from big smiles to shock to confusion to screams in a matter of 0.3 seconds.  I think the nurse was just as upset about giving him the shots as he was about receiving them!

Mason continues to be a big boy, just like his brother!  He's in mainly 12 month clothing along with a few big 9 month stragglers.  I'm always willing to bet that he's bigger than Kade was. Can you guess who was bigger?  Neither!  They are the exact same size, just like they were at 2 months!  It freaks me out!!  God definitely meant for these 2 to be brothers!!

Here's Mason's stats:

Length:  2'2" (76%)
Weight:  16.87 lbs  (77%)
Head:  43.3 cm  (91%)

And in case you were wondering about Kade's 4 month stats:

Length:  2'2"  (77%)
Weight:  17.2 lbs   (82%--so Kade has Mason by 0.33 lbs)
Head:  44 cm  (85%)

I wonder if biological brothers are this close in stats??

After I took this picture of Mason, I remembered I took almost the exact same picture of Kade when he was 5 months old.  Here it is!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The weekend of Mason's baptism is also the first time my brother and his family got to meet Mason, in person.  The miracle of FaceTime allowed iPad meetings :-)

Here are some pictures of that:
Kade taking his gal, Viv, for a ride in grandpa's hot rod.

Auntie Evelyn and Mason in their color coordinated stripes.  They didn't even plan it!

The back of my brother Jeremy's head and a super cute shot of Mason :-)

Jeremy and the boys

Mason and Vivienne getting up close and personal

Park time!

Poor Mason just has to sit and watch.  He's got his head support down but his abs aren't quite up to sitting in a swing yet.  This kid is strong though so he'll be in a swing soon!
Viv was scared to cross this bridge by herself so Kade ran over to escort her across.  As they got to the other side he said to her, "It's a good thing I was here for you or you would've been stuck on the bridge all day!"

In other news, Kade learned how to ride his bike without training wheels this past Saturday!  By "learn" I mean he got on, told us he didn't want any help, and then pedaled away.  He's been trying to do that for the past few weeks but fear was holding him back.  Not anymore!  We're so proud of him!  Here's a video, titled, "Kade Tutorial:  How To Ride Your Bike".  He makes it sound so easy....

Bike Rider

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Mason was baptized this past Sunday, June 1st.  This should come as no surprise but he did amazing!  He woke up right before he took center stage.  He was wide eyed and watching everyone in the congregation while the Pastor asked us the usual questions.  When we handed him off for his big moment he was calm, cool and collected.  He didn't even flinch when the water first touched his head!  And he got a few healthy doses poured onto him!  He is one even keeled little man.  

Here are tons of pictures from his special day:

Time to get our church clothes on!

So handsome in a shirt and tie.

Mason and I share an extra special bond because June 1st also happens to be my birthday!  Seeing my little man baptized on my birthday was a pretty great present.

My little man and my big man!  A couple of handsome boys!

We brought the altar flowers, to the left of Pastor Jean's head, in honor of Mason's birthmom, F.

See what I mean?  Joe Cool didn't even bat an eye!

My absolute favorite pictures of the day!  So happy with his wet, little head!

Mason with his Godparents.  Erik's sister, Jenna and Erik's brother, Michael.

Jenna and Mason

Family picture!

Erik's parents.  Grandma and Grandpa H.

My parents.  Grandma and Grandpa C.

Just chillin' with Great Uncle Kevin

Erik's grandpa.  Great Grandpa H.

The boys with their cousins.  Vivienne, on the left--my brother's daughter.  Violet, on the right--Erik's sister's daughter.

2nd cousins, Reed and Paige.  Carter didn't make the picture in time before Mason had enough.  So, he got his own picture....

All tuckered out at the end of his big day.

There was a little bit of a side show going on during the baptism.  Vivi is at the stage where she copies ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING her big cousin Kade does.  Kade knows this and took full advantage.  Please enjoy the following pictures :-)

So sweet and innocent.

It starts with showing Kade her owie and it all went downhill from there....

Unfortunately for Vivienne these pictures make her look like the naughty one.  Erik is blocking the ring leader, Kade.

And now we're back to being sweet and innocent.