Wednesday, March 5, 2014

We're still playing the waiting game with announcing our news.  If our prayers are answered, next week's post will be a big one :-)

Swimming lessons started last week.  We had the choice of putting Kade in the 2-3 year old class or the 3-6 year old class.  We chose 2-3 but regretted that decision about 5 minutes into the first class.  The kid is still a fish and he's too advanced for that age group.  Oh well, the whole point is to be comfortable in the water and he definitely is!  We're still working on keeping our mouth closed though.  We got home and he complained of a stomach ache.  Then he puked up about a gallon of pool water. Disgusting!

I'm not proud of how this Kade Quote started out.  My only excuse is it's been a long winter, stuck inside and we're getting on each other's nerves.

Me:  Kade, you are annoying me.

Kade:  You are gannoying me too!  (Not a typo, he actually said gannoying)

3 minutes later...major Mom Guilt setting in...

Me (wrapping him in a big hug):  I'm sorry.  You don't annoy me Kade.  You make me very happy and I love everything about you.  You are smart and funny and nice and a great helper and...

Kade:  Mom.  And I'm a stud.

Lastly, because I love comparison pictures....

Reed on top.  L to R:  Kade, Paige, Carter

Reed, still on top.  Paige, Kade, Carter.  

Time flies!!!

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