Tuesday, March 18, 2014

One thing adoptive couples learn quickly is to never "count your chickens before they're hatched".  Our lives are completely at the mercy of someone else, so we can never plan anything until the ink dries.  We are still waiting to hear back from the birthdad registry to see if Mason's birthdad registered for rights.  

So, Erik and I have been waiting to set up Mason's room until we know, for sure, he's ours.  This means he's still in our room which is directly across the hall from Kade's room.  Kade is 3 1/2 and like most kids that age, he has no concept of inside voice.  His whisper is a quiet yell, his normal voice is about as loud as you'd talk at a rock concert.  Mason is 5 weeks old now and he's starting to leave the "newborn-sleep-through-anything" stage.  Needless to say, we are chomping at the bit to hear back from the registry so we can move on with our lives and set up their bedrooms!

Other than that, things are still going really well!  Mason is still fairly easy, although he puts up a stellar fight at bedtime!  Kade continues to love on his little brother every chance he gets!

These pictures are still "old", but there's too many cute ones to pass over!

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