Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Update on the bulb we planted.  Turns out it's an iris, which I was a little disappointed to hear.  Here's why.  Almost immediately after we planted it, it started sprouting.  I think it goes without mentioning who has been watering it everyday. So for me to grow something from seed is a small miracle.  Green Thumb I am not.  Although I know nothing about vegetation, I do know that irises grow like weeds.  This means that a Moldy Thumb can grow an iris.  This means it's not that impressive that something has sprouted due to my dedication.  Oh well, at least Kade's excited about it!  Although, he looks a little more scary than excited in this picture:

We helped Jay, Jenna and Violet move into their new house this past weekend.  Afterwards we went out for lunch.  Kade wanted to ride in the car opposite his parents (surprise, surprise), so we had to move his car seat.  After lunch we had to move his car seat back.  Jay decided to skip the part where Kade gets out of the seat first.  So, of course, he made a pit stop into a snow bank first :-)

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