Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Open gym started last Sunday and we made the mistake of telling Kade about it the Wedesday before.  He immediately ran to his room and laid out shorts, his Timberwolves Kevin Love jersey, socks, his basketball shoes and a basketball.  He even laid out a special pair of underwear, only to be worn at open gym!  Then, for the next 4 days he asked, on average, 100 times a day how many "rest times" he had left til he could go to open gym.

Once we were there he stayed on the side and watched Erik and the rest of the guys play a few games.  It was so cute, there was another little guy there and together they ran up and down the court just like the players.  I think Kade ran the full length of the court more times than Erik!  He's getting pretty decent at dribbling and can even do it on the run a little bit!  He also insists on using a full size basketball, just like the "real" players.  So he shoots the big ball at the hoop and, surprisingly, he's pretty close to getting it in!  I think he might've even hit the bottom of the net once or twice!

Last year I had to go along to make sure he didn't run onto the court.  This year I got to sit back and watch him play, rebound his shots and take a few shots myself.  I didn't play in any of the games (that would just be embarrassing for everyone) so now Kade thinks girls don't play basketball.  Looks like I might have to dust off the 'ol Reebok Pumps and show those boys how it's done!  Or maybe I'll just take him to a girl's basketball game this year instead.

I didn't take any pictures of him at basketball but I did get a couple of him rocking out while watching the Country Music Awards.  Here he is being a rock star on his stage:

And, finally, is this kid only 3!?!?!  He looks so big in this picture!

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