Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jeremy, Evelyn and Vivienne came up for Thanksgiving this year and are staying with us for the extended weekend.  Kade and I spent our days off getting ready for them.  Unfortunately Kade-O caught a little stomach bug and it sidelined him for about a day and a half.  He's back to his crazy self now and him and Vivienne are tearing up the place, having a great time together.

There's a new house going up next door and Kade loves to watch the construction.  This picture was taken when he was sick.  He wanted to watch so badly but he was having a hard time standing for very long.  Poor guy :-(

The next day he felt much better and was back to being "a worker man".

They made their annual Thanksgiving headwear at daycare.  This year they were pilgrims!

This picture is kinda blurry but so cute because Vivi wanted to be just like her big cousin.

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