Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving: Part 2

We spent Thanksgiving day at my cousin's house.  They have a pretty awesome park right out their back door.  Every time we go there Kade insists on going to the park.  Luckily Lauren is always willing to let Kade drag her around.  He loves his "Wauren"!

Notice the silly headbands?  Kade won them in my Crazy Aunt Rozie's lame prize drawing she insists on having for every holiday :-)  Lucky for her, Kade and Lauren still humor her!

We didn't do any shopping on Black Friday, unless you count shopping for our Christmas tree.
Kade brought his chainsaw to help cut down the tree.

Good thing we had him along to measure all the trees!

Vivienne thought Grandpa needed a good tackle since he was already on the ground anyway!

They're actually sitting down!  At the same time!  Quietly!

Jeremy, Evelyn and Vivienne went home to Kansas City on Saturday.  We were sad to see them go.  Kade absolutely loves when people stay overnight!  He did a pretty good job sharing his toys and he did an amazing job giving Vivi lots of hugs and kisses!

We capped off the weekend with a trip to open gym.

P.S.  Have you noticed in nearly every picture, since the weather turned cold, Kade is wearing the same jeans?  He's worn his "work jeans" every day for 3 weeks straight!  I'm only allowed to wash them at night, when he's sleeping.  He wakes up, runs to the dryer and puts them on immediately.  Yesterday I actually hid them from him because they hadn't been cleaned in a week and I didn't have time to wash them.  When I picked him up from daycare Michelle told me he had lots of tears in the morning because he couldn't find his work jeans.  No worries, they are washed and he is wearing them again today!  

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