Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter 2013

Kade had been counting down the days til he could play basketball with Daddy, Uncle Michael and Uncle Jay in the Alumni Tournament in our hometown. Saturday the day had finally arrived and he woke up at exactly 6:05 asking if the gym was open yet. The first game wasn't until 10:00 so about every 5 minutes, for about 4 hours, we answered, "Not yet" to the question, "Is it time to play basketball yet?"

We had a long day at the gym because Erik's team kept winning! Those old dogs still have some game left in them because, as the oldest team in the tournament, they ended up winning the championship! Of course, Uncle Michael did score half their points but who's counting? :-) If you ask Kade, Mike isn't the best player though...

BB player to Kade: "Hey big guy! Who is better Jay, Dad or Michael?"
Kade, without a moments hesitation: "ME!"

The Easter Bunny DID NOT come to our house. We locked the doors, turned on the alarm, and made sure Molly didn't get a wink of sleep. She had to be on guard all night in case the Easter Bunny tried to get in, her job was to chase it away. Kade did not want a creepy critter hopping around his house while we were all asleep. Luckily the Easter Bunny left strict instructions with me on how to execute the scavenger hunt and where to place the eggs so Kade still got the goods on Sunday morning!

1. Even though Molly was up all night, she still managed to help Kade hunt for eggs!

2. Putting the money found in some of the eggs in his piggy banks.

3. Listening intently to the final clue which led him to...

4. ...a new 4 wheeler! Look at that smile!

5. Easter Sunday at my parents where he never let Lauren rest. Here they are in the fort.

6 & 7. Well, I guess he did let her pretend rest :-)

8. A nice game of Memory, where Kade never lost!

9 - 12. On Monday daycare was closed so we had an impromptu play date with Owen, Ellie, Rylee and Braeden! We went out to their great uncle's farm to see some baby calves! We named the black cows, Blacky and the brown cows, Brownie. Those names are courtesy of Papa Rich, who you see behind the gate. Obviously he's got quite the creative mind when it comes to naming farm animals :-)

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