Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Swimming Lessons

Kade started swimming lessons last week. Surprisingly he cried for the first 10 minutes of the class! He's never cried when swimming so we couldn't figure out what the problem was. Finally, I realized what was wrong. The water was cold! He's used too swimming in Papa Rich and Grandma Holiday's pool, which is usually set at a comfortable 93 degrees :-) Needless to say, this middle school pool was not that warm!

After he got used to the temp he was his usual fish-in-the-water self. At the end of the class he was crying again, because he didn't want to get out!

Kade also had a more pleasant surprise when he got to class...."My-Friend-Michael" was there! School is always more fun with friends and swimming lessons are no exception. Those 2 goofballs were already laughing and not paying attention to the teacher, looks like they'll have to be separated when it comes to the real thing :-)

Just had to include this Kade Quote from this morning:

Kade: "Mom, I need my shirt off because basketball players don't wear shirts."

Me: "You need to wear a shirt because it's too cold."

Kade: "Other basketball player's mommy's don't tell them to put their shirts on."

(Shirt is off now--his doing, not mine)

Kade: "Mom, I need stamps on my arms."

Me: "Stamps on your arms?! Why??"

Kade: "Because basketball players wear stamps on their bodies!!"

Oh dear, looks like I have a tattoo battle in my future!!!!

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