Wednesday, March 27, 2013

This post was supposed to be about our weekend in Kansas City and Vivienne's 1st birthday party. However KC got a foot and a half of snow on Saturday so we had to cancel our travel plans. On the upside, we had our first snow free weekend in, what feels like, 6 months but is probably more like 4 weeks.

We spent the weekend outside where Kade and Dad took a ride on every motorized "toy" they have! Kade can steer the lawn mower so well now that all Erik is good for is pushing the gas and brakes. It's pretty funny watching these two yahoos as they drive up and down the road!

1. We even cleaned up one of Kade's 4-wheelers to bring to Viv since he is way too big for it now. Hope we can keep it clean til the next time we see her! That's a lot to ask of a 2 year old boy!

2 & 3. Helping G & G H. on the farm

4. Kade's got a lot of loads to scoop if he's trying to move all the snow outside with that little wagon!

5. Maybe he can mow down the snow piles?

6. We even managed to catch a few games in the first rounds of the NCAA tournament! Kade O's got his ball on his lap, his BB shoes on and phone in hand so he can text friends about the game!

7. The beautiful birthday girl, ready for her party!

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