Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Today was a balmy 22 degrees, which is about 30 degrees warmer than it was last week! Kade and I took advantage and played outside. We sledded, scooped snow, played on the swing and slide, and hunted for deer pee. He and Erik saw deer pee in the woods one time and it left a lasting impression on him as he talks about it quite regularly! It's amazing the things children remember!

In a completely unrelated topic, Kade's been extra encouraging to me lately: For the most part, I try to make home cooked dinners. Erik comes from a typical farm family where big meals, made from scratch, are the norm. Poor guy did not nab himself a wife who was raised in the kitchen! However, when Kade came along I realized I needed to change my ways because I want this kid to eat healthy and well. As I've said before, he's a good eater but he's never complimented my cooking.

Anyway, last night was not a made-from-scratch night. It took longer to preheat the oven than it did to heat up the processed, from-the-bag, freezer fries. And I managed to have the eggs scrambled at the exact same time the buzzer was going off on the oven! I'm that good :-) Kade took one bite and exclaimed, "Good supper, Mom!!" So, apparently I need more practice in the kitchen?

Then today, after I pushed Kade down the hill on his sled, I followed on my own sled. Kade turned to me and said, "I'm so proud of you, Mom!" So, apparently I need to be a bit more adventurous around him?

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