Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mini Vacation

This past weekend we took a little trip with our friends, Tim, Megan, Owen, Ellie and Rylee, to Wisconsin Dells. It worked out really well because we had originally planned on staying at a hotel, not knowing that Megan originally planned on using their timeshare with her coworkers. Turned out her coworkers couldn't make it so she asked us, luckily we hadn't booked anything yet!

Kade was in heaven because he got to spend 2 whole nights and 3 days with his idol, Owen. As Tim said, "Owen has a mud flap (Kade)"! Kade watched Owen's every move and emulated him whenever possible. Owen had a football shirt on, Kade wanted his on. Owen had striped swim trunks, Kade changed into his striped trunks. Thank goodness Megan and I packed similar clothes for the boys! Owen laid on the couch, Kade laid on the couch. At one point Owen was sitting with his mom, so Kade wanted to sit with me. Can't complain about that one!

The kids spent A LOT of time shooting baskets into a laundry basket. They would jump on the bed, shoot into the basket and would get extra points if the ball made it into the bath tub as well. We also did a little swimming and Megan and I managed to sneak off to the mall for awhile! Actually, the dads even went to the mall after we got back! I don't think Erik has ever been shopping without me (not counting gift shopping) for as long as we've been together!

It was a really fun weekend! I know the kids enjoyed themselves because they requested to "live there forever" :-)

1 & 2: Joe Cool in the backseat at the start of the trip
3: Ellie sitting with her future husband. If Erik's lap was open, Ellie would find it!
4: Can you tell someone is happy to be laying by Owen?!
5: Muscles!
6 &7: Owen kept score of the game and would update us after every basket made. None of us could quite figure out his system as some baskets were worth 17 points and others would only be worth 5. Luckily Kade is still young enough to not care who wins because, coincidentally, Owen was the winner every time :-)
8 & 9: Is there anything cuter than a bath tub full of babies??!! By the way, Rylee (front left) is Kade's future wife. Kid's got good taste!!
10: Little Techies
11: Joe Cool in the backseat at the end of the trip

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