Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Last week I found snow tubes on clearance.  Remembering the awesomeness of tubing in my youth, I purchased 2 :-)  As you can see in the videos, we have mini hills on both sides of our house.  With our other sleds we barely make it to the deck post before stopping, which is perfect for a normal 2 year old.  However, Kade is a crazy, never-slows-down 2 year old who LOVES action.  With the tubes we have to stop ourselves before we fly into the woods, which is about 30 yards past the deck post.  Yeah, those tubes were a good purchase!  Kade is still light enough that he doesn't slow down.  At all.  So, someone has to be at the end to stop him or we'd lose him in the trees!  He absolutely loves it, has no fear of going down the hill by himself and actually protests if someone asks to ride down with him.
In the first video, I'm doing the recording and I CAN'T STAND the sound of my voice but Erik's spill at the end makes it worth watching, and hearing myself, over and over again :-) I also wish I had a recording of Kade watching this video as he laughs hysterically at himself getting off the tube and laughs even louder at Erik "getting off" his!


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