Thursday, February 21, 2013

Just a post of some random pictures taken the past couple of weeks. As you can tell by some of the pics, we're going stir crazy! Playing in the bath tub, fully clothed. Wearing the most random outfit--all day! His hands and head were soooooo sweaty after I finally convinced him to take off the mittens and hat! And, my personal non-favorite :-), a picture of our 4 season porch after a day at home. I would just shut the doors to the mess, but they're glass so that just defeats the purpose! I think it's time for a trip to the beach, with warm sun and a cool drink.......a girl can dream :-)

That little red chair that Kade is sitting on was my great grandma's! My mom used to play on it at her house when she was little. Then my grandma had it and I used to play on it at her house when I was little. I'm not so sure it's going to make it to the next generation though, it looks like it's going to collapse under 35.5 pounds of big boy whenever he sits on it :-) but he looks so cute carrying it around the house, I don't have the heart to take it away from him.

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