Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Part 2

Last weekend we made our annual trip to the Sharing Tree.  This year, since Kade is so into sports, he gave a basketball and a kickball.  I thought for sure he wouldn't want to give them up and we'd have a fight as we left the toys under the tree, but it was the exact opposite!  Erik had a talk with him about how some kids don't get toys and that's why we give to the Sharing Tree.  Kade LOVED putting them under the tree and is still talking about it! 
On our way to the tree!  That car was a complete waste of $5, by the way.  Normally we wouldn't bother but he really wanted to ride in it and there were a ton of people at the mall so we figured if he was riding (rather than walking) we could get there faster.  He was way too tall for it, his feet were way too big and he wanted out about 30 seconds after he got in.  Now we know!

Present #1 unceremoniously being tossed over the gate!

Present #2 got the same treatment.

Kade and Erik checking out all the goodies!

I love this picture because I have almost the exact same one, taken almost 2 years ago to the day...

Also, this past weekend, Kade reached another milestone...he moved to a big boy bed!!!  Erik's been wanting to move him for awhile now but I've been delaying.  Kade never tried to crawl out of the crib so I figured, "what's the rush?  Let's just wait til he brings it up!"  Well, he brought it up on Saturday.  He took a nap in one of our basement beds and he did so well I finally relented.  We've got 3 nights, and a couple naps, under our belt and he still has yet to crawl out of bed!  I think it's safe to say he was ready!  I'm not going to lie, I shed a tear or 2 as the crib was being taken down :-(  

I can't believe Kade is big enough to "help" take down the crib!  It seems like just last month Erik was putting it up for our little man!!

Here are the pictures I took on 8/20/2010, of a 10 day old Kade in his brand new crib...

And here is a 2 year, 4 month and 6 days old Kade climbing into his brand new bed!
Kade picked out the "Ba-queen" sheets :-) 

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