Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Part 1

There are a lot of pictures to go along with this week's post so I decided to split it into 2 parts.  I forgot to mention last week that Kade had his 1st of 3 Christmas celebrations already!  Lady A and her family came for a visit and hooked Kade up with LOTS of goodies!!  Since I can't show all of the pictures we took at the actual visit, I'll show you some before and afters :-)

The Kade Man posing next to a tree that's just his size.  There are two of them, on either side of my hutch, and each tree has exactly one ornament on them!  He loves to show them to everyone who comes for a visit.

Decorating our actual tree.  He wasn't very good at spreading the ornaments around so there are A LOT of ornaments in that one spot on the tree :-)

My favorite cheesy grin.  He has since stopped posing for pictures, that little stinker!  Now, he puts his head down, covers his eyes and runs away everytime I try to snap a picture!

Kade and Michael playing with Kade's new kitchen from Lady A.  He LOVES it, I think he's going to be in charge of making meal real soon!

This is the best picture I could get of him in the cutest shirt ever!!  Lady A gave it to him, along with a bunch of other super cute clothes.  He's not at all excited about clothes, but I sure am :-)

In his new Gopher outfit from Lady A's brother and his wife.  Like I said, covers his eyes.  Notice how he's in a corner?  He ran himself into it while I snapped pictures, he was trapped!!  I tell him everyday, "never run (or dribble) yourself into a corner" :-)

"Hey good lookin'!"  He LOVES to look at himself in the mirror.  Can't say that I blame him, he's a handsome devil!!

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute Kristy! It's funny, as I looked at the picture of him in his new gray shirt, my first thought was, "I love that shirt!" Then I read that you love it too. It is a smokin cool shirt! :) Merry Christmas to you and your family.
