Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Kade and Michael

These two have been friends since Kade was born exactly 2 months after Michael. They share yards, they share the same daycare and sometimes they even share their toys with each other!

Most toddlers don't really play together, they play side-by-side. But these 2 actually play together and have since they could walk. It's so fun watching them interact because I think they have their own language only they can understand.

Since Kade could learn to talk he's called Michael, "My Mike". When Kade gets to daycare (usually after Michael) Michael greets him with, "MY KADE'S HERE!!". Whenever we turn onto our street Kade starts looking at Michael's house and asks, "Michael's outside?" No matter what time of day it is or what the weather is like. I've been told Michael does the same thing :-)

If Sara Jo (Michael's mom) or I ever want to get something done around the house we'll call each other and have the boys get together so they can play and we can work!

These 2 are so opposite in looks and personalities that they were made for each other. Kade is tall and blonde, Michael is short and dark. Kade is a"do-er", Michael is a "thinker". I have a feeling these 2 will be keeping us on our toes for years to come! I can't wait!

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