Friday, February 10, 2012

Coach K

Last night I took Kade to watch Erik's basketball game.  He's only been to one other game, the first game of the season, because most of the games start after his bedtime.  There's not too many spectators at these "old timer's" games, so there's not too many people cheering either. 

When we first got there, just like he is in new surroundings, he was his usual bashful self so I sat him on my lap and explained the game to him:  defense, offense, rebounding, etc.  He listened and watched.  Someone made a 3, so I showed Kade how it's the same arm motions as a "touchdown".  Erik had the ball at one point and was wide open so I yelled "shoot!".  This was enough to get Kade warmed up. 

The rest of the game he was screaming at the top of his lungs, "RUN!!!",  "GO!!" (complete with one fist in the air), "JUMP!!".  He even busted out, "SLAM DUNK!!", a couple times.  People were looking over at us and laughing but Kade was oblivious to them.  One guy commented how he'd never heard anybody cheer louder.  Erik was on the other end of the court and he even heard Kade--to which I say to Erik, on behalf of Coach K because his vocabulary isn't quite big enough yet, "Keep your head in the game!!"

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