Thursday, December 1, 2011

Week In Review: A Post of Pictures


Kade meet Ella.  Ella meet Kade.

Hmm, cute girl?  Or cool tractor?

Tractor?  What tractor?  Hellllloooo Ella!


C'mon Dad!  Let's teach these fools how to play pong!!!

Kade devoured his first Thanksgiving meal (last year's bottle of formula on Thanksgiving doesn't count).  He even had seconds on most things, including sweet potatoes (yuck!)

If the women are cleaning up the kitchen and the men are doing this, who's watching Kade?!?

A day with Dad while Mom worked.  Since Mom was not around, no pictures were taken.


All of Erik's cousins (minus a couple spouses) gathered at (great) Grandma and Grandpa's house.


Good choice Kade!  It's just your size!

I think our ornaments might fit a little better on this one though.

What do we do when Grandpa is laying down?  We tackle him!  No matter that he's under a tree, with a saw in his hand. 

When he's down we make sure he stays down!  No help for you Old Man!!

                                                            Monday, Tuesday
Work.  Daycare.  Lame.

Decorate the tree!  Don't be fooled by this sweet picture.  He puts the ornament on, then winds up and swings as hard as he can and bats the ornament off!!  Our tree is sporting all unbreakable ornaments this year.  I have an image in my head of Kade knocking the whole tree down, which is probably not too far from reality!

Ornaments don't belong in a box!  They belong on the floor so I can stomp all over them with better efficiency!

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