Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Lately Kade seems to like trying things on.  He puts on our shoes (mine anyway, Erik's size 13's are about the same size as Kade's entire body!).  He'll pull clothes out of our drawers and try to wear them, and he loves to put things on his head.  The proof is in the pictures below!

I know we tend to keep our house a little chillier than most people, but I think he's exaggerating just a smidge!

Lookin' Gooood, Big Guy! (Erik tells him this every morning)

Sweatin' to the Oldies.  He was right in the middle of "jumping" in this picture.  You can't slide a piece of paper under his vertical yet.

Do Dad's basketball shorts fit me yet??

At daycare they made Indian headbands.  Kade wore his all day and the whole way home.  Happy Thanksgiving!!

He's really getting in the spirit of Thanksgiving. 
Festive head decor:  Check!
Comfy pants with an elastic waist:  Check!
Football:  Check!


and Sit??? 

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