Thursday, December 15, 2011

Last Thursday Kade had a play date with Owen and Ellie at our house.  This video shows what happens after lots of pizza, puppy chow and a combined total of 40 minutes of sleep between three kids 4 and under. 

Kade and Ellie modeling Kade's infant hat from last winter.  Aren't they special?

On Saturday Lady A, her mom (S) and her aunt (along with her little guy) came to visit.  It was a great time, like always, it goes way too fast!  And, of course, like last year, they hijacked Santa's sleigh along the way!!

Although Kade seemed more interested in the paper, once we got the toys put together he loved playing with them. 

Safety first!  Always wear protective eye wear when holding a toy level.

Kade LOVES his horse that he got from his birth-great-grandparent's!  As long as it's just a toy horse and not a real one...seriously, horses scare the bejeezus out of me!!
Modeling his new shirt and hat he got from his birth uncle.  He's right in the middle of going "round and round" as in "the wheels on the bus go..."
Another cute pic.  His eyes match his shirt!

Farm play is serious business.  Kade cannot be bothered to smile for the picture, not when there's corn to be harvested!

Poor Goldy is getting worked by the Kade Man! 
Read my pajamas.  Enough said.

That little-baby-diaper-butt is super cute too!

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