Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kade...Not a Shopper

I love Minnesota but this winter is killing me!  After expressing my annoyance with the freezing temps and endless snow to Erik, he informed me that we're probably almost half way through winter.  Ugh.  Don't get me wrong, I love snow but after Christmas it can all just go away.  Too bad summer weather and winter weather can't just pull an ol' switcheroo! 

Last week, to try to cure a little cabin fever, I decided to take Kade to the mall on my day off.  Very rarely do Erik or I venture out alone with the Kade Man.  He's quite unpredictable and seems to be a bit shy.  Meaning, when he sees someone he doesn't recognize (and sometimes even when he does recognize, ahem, Grandpa Bill) he tends to let out the loudest, shrillest scream imaginable along with big crocodile tears.  Sometimes Dad can calm him but usually it takes a good hug and some tear wiping from Mom before he calms down. 

So, anyway, back to the mall.  As I was shopping for a new purse Kade woke up from his snooze and realized he had no idea where he was.  Or maybe he did know where he was and was telling me the purse section is no place this little boy wants to be.  Either way, someone peeked their head in the stroller to get a look at the cute baby and he screamed.  I calmed him, we left the purse section, and headed out into the mall.  Rookie mistake because it seems like everybody likes to get a look at a cute baby in a stroller since everyone we passed would peak in to look at Kade and every time Kade would scream.  I had to laugh because his screams were echoing off the walls.  I'm sure people at the other end of the building could hear him.  Rather than keep torturing him with more stranger's looks, we left.  We were there for exactly 45 minutes.  Long enough for Kade to learn that he hates the mall which couldn't make his dad happier or more proud!  Now, Erik has an excuse not to go anytime I mention the word "shop", which is quite often because it's one of my favorite things to do!  I guess I'll have to learn to accept the fact that shopping will not be one of our "family bonding activities".  Anybody know of anyone considering adoption who is having a girl?? :-)

Could this little man be any cuter?!?!

I just know he's thinking, "Seriously Mom.  Enough with the pictures already!"

Just chillin in my sweatpants! 

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! Scarlett is currently in that stage too! If someone looks at her that she doesn't know, her bottom lip goes out, and the scream and cries follow. I REALLY hope this is just a phase! :)
