Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Dad Time"

Well it's about time I join the blogging world.  I typically don't have much to say unless someone brings up the subject "SPORTS"!  My wife has been doing an absolutely outstanding job of posting to the blog.  I always look forward to the email on Wednesday or Thursday (days Kristi has off during the week) from Kristi with a subject line of "new blog post" and a completely empty email body.  I work hard at work, but come on, no way can I wait until I get home to read the latest on our little boy!  I am sure my posts will not generate near the smiles or laughter from our readers (hopefully nobody falls asleep), but who says it's a competition anyway. :-) We have so much to be thankful for and to write about I don't even know where to begin.

I have decided to write about Kade today and his special moments he shares with his tall lanky Dad.  I know you are all shocked that Kade will be the topic of conversation in this post, but seriously, Kade is all we talk about these days and we just can't get enough of the little guy.

Kade and Dad have "Dad time" often.  One of our favorites times is bright and early in the morning (believe it or not) after Mom has already left for work and Dad is left in charge of getting Kade ready for daycare.  I don't mind getting up early, but occasionally a morning starts a little earlier than I'd like.  Kade is very good at making sure Dad doesn't fall asleep again after alarm has been shut off.  Kade doesn't want to be late to his daycare. 

Any number of the following combinations may take place during our early morning "Dad Time". We start the morning off by grabbing "the jug" from the fridge as someone is quite hungry.  As the end of the jug approaches and we take a break to burp Dad has a difficult decision to make.  Should we change diaper and get dressed now or is a #2 on it's way?  Mmmm...the million dollar question!  Dad takes a stab at it and Kade is usually able to prove Dad wrong.  The excitement Kade displays after getting plopped on the changing table a few minutes after the previous diaper change is priceless!  Can't help to laugh it out with him!  If this doesn't provide the two of us with enough laughter in the early morning hours Dad not being careful changing the diaper is another avenue we can go down.  Dad likes a warm shower, but not this type of warm shower. :-)  Kade loves diaper changes so at this point Dad has heard everything Kade plans on doing during the day.  My we are chatty in the morning!  Whew!  We are past the jug and the diaper now heading down the home stretch ready for the next task at hand.  Wash face and hands.  Dad can handle this task with ease, but neither Kade nor Dad understand the point of this task.  I'm not sure a second passes after completing this task before cheeks and hands are completely full of slobber again.  Mom says though and we do what Mom says!  Next we have to put lotion on face.  Don't want dry cheekers!  I'm pretty sure Kade says Mom does this task better. The next task involves Dad making another difficult decision again.  I mean making a decision is hard enough, but why give Dad the task of picking out what Kade is going to wear for the day.  Some typical responses after Mom picks Kade up and sees what he's wearing include "He just wore that", "it doesn't match", "the shirt doesn't fit", or my favorite, "he's got a million cloths, why do you always put this on"! :-)  Love you honey!! :-)  By the time all these tasks are complete Kade is off to the jumperoo for maybe 5 minutes while Dad washes his face, brushes his teeth, gets dressed, packs his workout bag, eats a bowl of cereal, tosses bottles and another jug into diaper bag, tosses whatever leftovers are in the fridge in workout bag, and let's Molly out.  At least all of those tasks have been mastered!  Showers in the morning are over-rated and just dry your skin out! :-) The final task is to pack everything in vehicle and enjoy the nice pieceful drive to daycare while listening to Kade talk for maybe the first mile (Kade is sound to sleep by then) and listening to Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and whatever other baby tunes happen to be playing from the CD player.

Enough rambling for me.  Now time for the good stuff!

Diaper is dry so I like to roll over and play with Johnny Tractor while Dad picks out my cloths.  This can take a while so I have a productive morning in the fields!

Dad has my onesie on finally, but I have a lot of work to do today on the farm so I roll over every chance I get.

Finally dressed and ready for the day.

Helping Dad post the blog.  I'm such a good little helper.  I can't move much myself yet, but Dad takes me for spins around the house.

Just got done taking down another jug on New Year's Day.  Ready to watch some college football with Dad.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Looks like I should have you do a post more often! Great job and great pictures!
