Kade is 8 weeks old today!! I can't believe it's been that long already! People aren't kidding when they tell us to enjoy our time because it goes by quickly!
When I think back to the day Kade was born it feels like a lifetime ago and just yesterday all at the same time. Lady A had told us at our meeting that the plan was she was going to be induced on 8/10 or 8/11 but things don't always go according to plan so we treated the Tuesday, August 10th like any other day. Got up early, went to work, went to the gym, went home. We didn't take the day off to fix up the nursery, or sleep in, or shop for baby things. In fact, Kade's room was full of boxes and things we hadn't unpacked yet from the move and we didn't have 1 baby item in the entire house! As many infertile couples know, seeing anything baby related is like a punch in the stomach. So we refused to prepare in any way for a baby because if it didn't work out we didn't want any reminders in the house. Our plan was to online shop and overnight ship everything. Luckily, my best friend Megan (who is Super Mom in my eyes) took my mom shopping and they pretty much bought Babies R Us the day after Kade was born. By the time we got home from the hospital our house was transfixed into a new baby home.
Anyway, back to Kade's birthday. After the gym we were walking back to our car (around 5pm) when Becky called. Lady A had her appointment and it turned out Kade was ready to come on the 10th anyway! She was being admitted to the hospital and her mom, S, was going to keep Becky posted and then Becky was going to keep us posted. We went home and got busy emptying Kade's room of the boxes and I even put Erik to work hanging things on our walls!
The plan was Lady A was going to deliver Kade and then we were going to get the phone call to come to hospital. Instead they decided they'd rather have us at the hospital when he's born so he didn't have to spend any time alone in the nursery. So, around 9pm Becky called and told us the new plan. Stupid us, we didn't have anything ready for a hospital stay so we're running around like chickens with our heads cut off throwing random things in a bag! Luckily, we remembered the essentials: underwear, tooth brushes and the camera.
Kade was born at the medical facility where Erik and I both work so you'd think we would have just breezed into a parking spot and sauntered up to our room. No, not the case. We park in the employee parking lot which is about 7 blocks away from our buildings. We had no idea where visitors park and since we were going to be there a few days we had to be sure to park in a spot that wouldn't get ticketed or towed. We pulled into a ramp, realized we couldn't park there (after we'd gotten out and walked away) so we had to go back and find a different spot. Then we weren't sure if we should use our employee privileges and just use our ID's to get in everywhere or if we should follow visitor protocol. We decided to be visitors, not employees.
Once we were in our room the nurses gave us a whole bunch of reading material to look over. Seriously, it felt like we were studying for a surprise quiz. We were even quizzing each other!
Erik is always prepared!
At 11pm we got the call that Kade was born and then came the longest 45 minutes of our lives. I was convinced Lady A changed her mind but when we heard the knock on the door and a nurse came in pushing the most beautiful baby I'd ever seen...it was instant...love at first sight. I still get chills when I think about it. I'm not going to lie, I was a little worried that I wasn't going to think he was cute. I've seen newborns and I always thought they were kinda weird looking. I'm happy to say that I thought he was gorgeous, cutest baby I've ever seen. Hands down.
I used to pray to God asking him for a pregnancy. Now I pray to God thanking him for not answering that prayer because then we wouldn't have Kade. Everything is as it should be.
The first time Erik held Kade, an hour after he was born
It's amazing what a difference 8 weeks makes in the lives of babies!