Sunday, November 20, 2022

Picture catch up from Halloween week!

Mason's flag football team got 3rd place in their flag football league!  
Here they are lining up to receive their medals.  Mason was so excited, it was his very first sports medal.  I told him he's gotten a whole bunch of trophies for tractor pulls but he says those don't count because they're too easy 😆

Tall kid with the Vikings hand warmer 

Halloween was on a Monday this year.  Not my favorite day to stay up late, jacked up on sugar.  It ended up being such a nice evening that we went out early and were able to get home early!
The boys ended up going to the same house for their "pre party" which worked out well for me!
Mason was a fisherman, no surprise there!  Made the costume quite easy to gather up.
Kade was...I don't know.  His buddies all tried to scare kids instead of trick or treating.  That lasted for about an hour before they realized they were missing out on a giant bagful of free candy.  So they ditched the scaring plan and headed out with grocery bags.

Kade back left, Mason front right

Mason and his buddies went to the assisted living home first.  It was pretty cute!

Time to hit the streets!

Quite scary, wasn't he?😉

Mason's teacher sent me this.
I giggle every time I see it


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