Monday, September 26, 2022

Vacation #2 Part 1

Kado's 12th birthday was in August.  
Erik took the boys golfing while I stayed home to get ready for our second family vacation!

We went back to Alexandria again!  
The weather was good, the fishing was great, the food was fantastic, and the company was okay too 😉

This year we ventured out to a park that had bumper boats, go karts and mini golfing.
The bumper boats were far and away the biggest hit with our group!

Erik got a little damp.

Mason and Isaac did as well but you can't tell with what they're wearing.

I"m not sure what this game is called but it's basically beer pong except yard sized.
It was so much fun and I was actually pretty good!  Finally something I can beat my family in!!  Kade even requested me as a partner and that NEVER happens.  I think we'll play this game again.

All the grandkids,
L to R:
Lillian 5, Kade 12, Owen 2, Mason 8, Isaac 7, Eve 5, Violet 10, Brooks 1

Every year Grandpa carves out fish for all the grandkids. 
Here he is handing out the goodies.

Kade got to go golfing with the men this year!

Part 2 next...


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