Saturday, March 19, 2022

Picture catch up!  I swear I put it on my list to do a post every Thursday and then Thursday rolls around and I've got a million other things on my mind.  Time needs to slow down!

A month ago today Mason got to participate in an ice fishing tournament.
He didn't catch anything but he got to try out his new ice fishing shack (courtesy of Uncle Jay who won it and has no use for it).  And he got to spend the day with one of his favorite people, Charlie.  Who is equally as obsessed with fishing as Mason.  They're two peas in a pod.
He also won a depth finder that hooks onto his fishing line and transmits to an app on your phone, so he is super excited to try that out!

Another basketball tournament for Kade-O!
I'm a big fan of those 2 coaches!

Kade did great, like always!

First place trophies again!!!



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