Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Hunting and fishing in December...

Kade's first pheasant!

They didn't catch anything.
Could've been because they were using gummy worms as bait but hey, they had fun!

First snowfall means sledding behind the 4 wheeler...

...3 days later
sledding behind the snowmobile!!

Kade's recorder concert.
Can you spot Kade?
Hint: the kid a head taller than everyone else

Basketball season is done.
Onto tournament season!!

But first...
Collecting their first place medals.
11-0 for the season!!!

Tyeson, Owen, Landon, Kelton and Kade
His baseball buddies also happen to be pretty darn good at basketball too!
They'll be a fun group to watch.

We made it down to the lights this year!

And the annual cookie bake is back after trimming it back last year for Covid


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