Saturday, January 8, 2022

Christmas catch up!  

Kade lost his last baby tooth shortly before Christmas.  

Who doesn't love a little before and after shots?!
Well, technically these are "now and then".
I showed him the picture I took of his very first tooth lost so he tried to recreate it.
He didn't too bad!!

Mason's outfit for the last day of school before Christmas break.
Unfortunately the lights broke shortly after he arrived at school.

Kade brought home a 2 pound bucket of slime he received for his gift at school.
Guess who was more excited about it.

Christmas Eve we had our family celebration.
The boys talked us into opening gifts right after breakfast.
After I made them pose for their annual picture in front of the tree.

They were driving me nuts while waiting for breakfast to finish.  I made them play the quiet game and said anytime anyone made noise they had to add 20 minutes on to their wait time to open gifts.
Mason spent the whole time trying to get Kade to break.

Finally time to open gifts!

Mason is faking this excitement.
The week before Christmas we had tornados all around us so we spent the night in the store room in the basement.  Silly me, not realizing we'd have 60 degree weather and tornados 8 days before Christmas, I had gifts hidden in the store room.  Well, as the boys were snuggling and trying to keep their mind off the weather, they just happened to look around and discover a few gifts.  This bow and arrow set was one of the things spotted.
He does do a good job faking excitement though!!

Kade, on the other hand, truly was excited for his AirPods!  

Fishing vest and hip waders, he's ready to slay some trout!

We took a walk around the park near our home in the afternoon.
The boys walked on ice and explored some hidden ponds.
Neither one of them wanted to go and they ended up LOVING the little excursion.


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