Thursday, August 5, 2021

Last week was the last week of baseball for the summer.  Whew!  As much as I love watching my boys play, it was getting overwhelming with baseball 4 nights a week!!  I'm sure I'll miss it soon, but it's been kinda nice this week not having to rush home for a bowl of cereal before heading out to a field.  

I had Wed-Wed off this past week as this is usually the week we visit Lady A in her hometown.  However that didn't work out this year, so we spent 4 nights camping and watching Kade play in a baseball tournament in La Crosse.  Those pictures will have to wait for next week because I took a ton!  Let's just say it was a great ending to an otherwise boring 10U season.

Mason was the sleeper this year in baseball!!  He started out rough.  First of all, he missed the first 2 weeks because of his tonsillectomy.  Then he just didn't seem to be enjoying himself, he didn't like being in the outfield, he was pretty lazy with warm ups and practice, he was not paying attention and didn't seem to care to learn.  He just overall gave the impression he was NOT into baseball.  Then he watched a day of men's slow pitch softball and all of the sudden he was IN IT!!  He wanted to play catch every night, he was loving his games especially the outfield, he even practiced pitching with Erik one night!!  I can't wait to see what the baseball future holds for this kid!

Kade's last 10U game was against the other 10U team.  
We weren't supposed to keep score since technically they're all on the same team, but we totally won!
Kade is 3rd from left, back row of course.

Mason and Kade with their buddy, Ollie.

One last story...Mason is now swimming in the deep end without any assistance!  We knew he could do it but he was uncharacteristically scared.  Anyone who knows Mason knows that he acts first and thinks later.  He's impulsive and fearless.  So I was SHOCKED when I said, "Mason, you CAN swim.  You can jump into the deep end and you will be fine.  There's life guards and Dad here and they're all watching you.  You WILL be fine."  And his response was, "Mom!  It only takes ONE TIME to drown!"  Who is this kid?!?!  I appreciated his apprehension and this a sign of things to come??  Either way, we talked him into trying and of course he did it!!  He's still not super confident but we're happy to know that he can at least tread water and doggy paddle enough to keep his head above water.  Summer has been a success!


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