Sunday, August 22, 2021

Happy 11th Birthday, Kade Will (2 weeks late)!!

We were on vacation last week so I'm WAY behind on posts.  So far behind that Kade's birthday was 12 days ago and I'm just getting to it now!  This year his birthday fell on a Tuesday, before our vacation so we didn't take any time off to celebrate.  Instead, on Saturday, he got his very first friend party!  I was going to do it last year, on his golden birthday, we celebrated big this year.  

He started his morning playing in a 3-on-3 basketball tournament with some friends from a past team.  They got 2nd place!

I didn't get to go to basketball because I spent the morning party prepping.
Of course it hasn't rained a drop all summer, but the day of the party it was torrential downpours and severe thunderstorms.
Thankfully the storms took a break just in time for the party and didn't pick back up again until later in the night!  Whew!
Slip n slide kickball in not-so-hot weather...thankfully twelve 10 year old boys don't care about that!

The party was from 1:00-4:00 and they played the entire time!
Well besides a quick stop for snacks and presents.

I told them to pose and half of them yanked their shorts up and acted like dorks.
I really hope to recreate this picture in 8 years.

Cake time!

Kade ended up having 3 friends stay overnight.
I'm not kidding, they played baseball until 9:30 at night.  I finally just put a pizza on the deck and hoped they'd feed themselves eventually.  Then they woke up and played more!

Tyeson, Kade, Porter and Owen

Lawn mower rides never get old!

This is 11!!!


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