Saturday, July 24, 2021

Last week was Eyota Days, they had stuff going on all week so the boys loved it!  We watched The Goonies and ate kettle corn at an outdoor movie Tuesday night, Mason participated in the tractor pull Wednesday night, we watched fireworks Friday night and then Saturday was the parade, Kade played in the 3-on-3 basketball tournament and we watched Erik's old teammates play softball.  It was a fun week and we were all exhausted on Sunday, Erik and I more so than the boys ๐Ÿ˜‰

Mason kicked butt and took home first place!!

His buddy Nyle got 2nd

His cousin Isaac got 1st in his age group

Kade decided he was too old and too tall to do the tractor pull.  But watching the other kids go in his age group, his competitive nature took over and he regretted not trying.

Kade and Erik were in the parade for the Youth Baseball float.
Mason and I decided to watch and catch candy.

Kade and his basketball teammates heading down to the tournament!

They took home 1st place!
Their team name was "Sliders" since they were all in their baseball uniforms
Kelton, Kade, Tyeson and Owen

Erik with his brother Michael, friend Todd and brother-in-law Jay

Mason and his best gals were exhausted the next day!!

Just had to throw this picture in๐Ÿ˜†


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