Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Twins Game

Included in the camp Kade did at the beginning of summer was 4 "free" tickets to a Twins game!  I put free in quotations because after driving up, parking, shirts, hats, food, drinks, food, food and more food the day was substantially into 3 figures!!!  But hey, the tickets were free!!

Charlie, Porter, Owen and Kade

Kade even caught a ball that the White Sox left fielder tossed into the stands after warm ups!

The birthday boys!

Running the bases after the game.

The baseball players...

...and their siblings.

The parents along for the ride.

And then there was these 2...

This is a screenshot of the game on tv.
I drew the yellow lines to the boys who made it on screen after a foul ball was caught right in front of them!!
Mason in red, Kade in white.

And the same picture without my lines.


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