Friday, July 16, 2021

The last of the Twins pictures, I swear!!  
Update: Kade is out of the running for the skills competition and recognition on the field before a game.  A bunch of kids from Edina knocked him off the list.  He said if he does the camp next year, now he knows to try harder!!

We had a week off at the end of June, we didn't have anything planned so we decided to take a 4 night camping trip.  Of course we were too busy to actually remember to take any pictures!  
The boys played racquetball, mini golf and fished and swam a lot!!  We've been to this campground before a few years ago.  At that time Mason was obsessed with "feeding kickens".  We told him how we'd spend hours at the mini zoo so he had it in his brain that he wanted to feed the chickens this time too.  When we went through the mini zoo, he fed the chickens and left saying, "that wasn't as fun as I thought it would be.  Why was I so obsessed with it?"  That kid!!!!

Finding turtles was his new favorite activity!

Sleepy babies after a long camping trip!


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