Saturday, February 27, 2021

So I forgot to mention last week we had our first covid scare (if you can call it that).  On Monday morning Mason got sent home because he was sneezing and had a runny nose.  They said he had to get tested before he could come back, which meant Kade had to come home too.  It just so happened I had the day off (I took it off to have a day at home without the boys so I could get some stuff done.  What a cruel, funny joke, hey?).  Anyway, I dropped Kade off and took Mason straight to the testing site.  He handled the swab like a champ, like I knew he would.  The nurse said she was going to make him sit in the room and show every kid that comes in how it's done.  Anyway, it was negative, like we figured it would be.  That was our excitement last week.  

This week....nada.  The most boring week ever (if you ask Kade's opinion).  Of course that's just how Erik and I like it but boring is NOT Kade's style!  He'd never admit it but I know he's had fun.  We've been enjoying the sun and warmer weather by taking the dogs for walks, having snowball fights, shooting baskets in the driveway, they even got a little bit of baseball practice in today!  You know they've had enough fresh air when both boys fell asleep on the couch during the movie last night!

I've taken exactly zero pictures this week.  I did take some slo-mo videos of the boys shooting baskets so they could see their form...quite possibly the most boring videos ever taken 😆  

Lola is exhausted every night too!
Keeping up with these boys is not for the faint of heart! 
Lola gets the best snuggles from Kade-O.

Mason, my little chef.  
Still wearing the same hat (which is actually a basket liner) that Kade started wearing on his head 9 years ago when he was our little chef!

Mason had a belated birthday sleepover with his cousins while Kade was at a friend's house.
Popcorn and movie time!

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