Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy 7th Birthday Mason!

This past Tuesday, the 9th, Mason turned SEVEN!!!  I'm a little behind in my post because we had a busy week.  However, I can't not say something about this adventurous, funny, sweet, sensitive, cuddly, stubborn, crazy kid and how much we love and adore him.  Seriously, he exasperates us one minute and the next minute he's got us rolling on the floor laughing.  Our lives would be pretty boring without him in it and we count our blessings every day for him!!

Being back in school we figured he could finally have a sleepover with his friend Gunnar. 
Here they are practicing their "Hello ladies" look.

Erik pulling them on the tube

My little mohawked man

He wanted a snowboard for his birthday.  
Unfortunately this one is pretty crappy.  Luckily his uncle Jeremy gifted him a better one!!

His very own fly rod!!

Of course he asked for a na night cake.
I told him to smile, this is what he gave me.

Grandpa Ranger's birthday is 2 days before Mason's.  
Mason thought he should get to blow out a candle too.  

Delicious birthday cheeks!!!


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