Sunday, February 21, 2021

Last weekend we sent the dogs to one grandparents' house and the boys to the other, we packed up for 3 nights and headed to one of the coldest part of the US, the North Shore!  The temperatures were holding steady around -30 (the "feels like" temperature anyway) but the sun was warm, the wind was calm and the company was fantastic.  We went with Erik's siblings and their spouses, so 8 of us in all.  It was very relaxing and we actually managed to spend about 3-4 hours each day on the "beach"!  It was pretty awesome because the water wasn't frozen over so we could hear waves crashing, we had a beach bonfire, Jay and Jenna brought their bean bag boards and the beverages were flowing.

Erik and I stopped in at Canal Park in Duluth to see what it looks like frozen over.
It looks like ice and feels like frostbite.

Erik's picking out his favorite boulder.

We stayed just past Two Harbors.
It was beautiful!

Tropical beaches have got nothing on MN's white powder!!

Gooseberry Falls.
It's still beautiful in winter but I much prefer it in summer and fall.

Meanwhile, Kade and Owen kept each other company back and Grandpa and Grandma's.
We never did get a picture of Mason and Lillian.  I asked Mason about that and he said he was too busy playing.  Can't argue that!!


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