Monday, January 4, 2021

Covid Christmas

Although this Christmas was a bummer because we weren't able to see everyone we love in traditional settings, we did manage to have a pretty memorable holiday.  I had the 23rd-30th off because we were supposed to be in Atlanta.  Instead we hung out at home and I'm not going to lie, it was pretty darn relaxing!!  I can't remember a Christmas being this stress free since I was a kid and my only job was to snoop for presents before they were wrapped!!  I'll take the stress though if it means we can be with family and friends again.  Fingers crossed next year is back to normal.

The boys helping prep some appetizers for Christmas Eve

Kade and I enjoying our holiday mugs!

Mason got his very own Comfy for Christmas!!
He's always trying to steal mine.

But of course it wouldn't be Christmas if Mason didn't take his shirt off!

Erik's ready for summer!!

It wouldn't be Christmas Eve without the dining room table full of legos!

The most relaxing Christmas Day ever.


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