Sunday, December 27, 2020

One of the shows we love to watch at bedtime with the boys is "Nailed It".  It's a baking competition amongst people who have no clue how to bake.  Then they have to recreate these masterpieces and they fail miserably.  It's pretty funny and the boys love it.  I saw a cookie kit at Costco awhile ago so I decided we'd have our own Nailed It competition.
The picture on the box...



The pictures on the box...



Yep, that's mine.  
Nailed It!!

Mason showing off the ship him and Erik put together.

Kade and I picked out gifts for the sharing tree this year at the last minute.
He was so embarrassed I made him take a picture but he did pose!

Christmas with my parents.
They ended up going to Atlanta to visit my brother's family.  We were supposed to go too but Covid changed our plans.  None of us had it, we just didn't want to risk it with kids/airports/etc.  So we celebrated with them a week early, since it'll be awhile until we see them again due to their quarantine period after they get back.

Nothin' says Christmas like Grandpa shootin' a gun!!!


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