Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Ice Skating

No sports, no in school learning, no play dates, no sleep overs with friends means hours and hours and HOURS of ice skating.  Did I mention hours?  To put it into perspective, we dropped Kade off at the ice rink at 9:30am yesterday and picked him up from the rink at 4:30pm.  He was there, and skating, THE ENTIRE time.  And that's just one day.  He's done that more days than I can remember.  Mason isn't quite that dedicated.  He's skated A LOT more than I ever thought he would but not nearly as much as Kade-O has.  
They get to see friends they haven't seen forever, they can't really get too up in each other's faces because none of them are that coordinated on blades, and they get hours of fresh air and exercise!  Never thought I'd be so grateful for ice!!

Mason showing off his "skills".
Kade is way too cool to let Erik record him.  


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