Monday, December 21, 2020

I've been saying this a lot lately but what a crazy year!!  Last week we "celebrated" Christmas with Erik's family.  I say that in quotes because half of the family wasn't there and we made the plans, literally, an hour before presents were opened.  Poor grandma was frantically wrapping and throwing together a couple snacks at the very last minute.  
We have been quarantining with Erik's sister Jenna's family because of all of us, I'm the only one going in to work and the kids are all so close they're best friends/cousins.  It's helped us all keep our sanity! However, due to some of Jay's family members coming in from out of state for the holidays, our time was limited.  Add to that Grandma and Grandpa taking care of grandkids that are in daycare, we figured last Friday night was probably the last time we could be together before exposure to "new" people.  
Anyway, as confusing as that all was, I had to document it so we can look back and see how ridiculous all of these plans are just because of stupid Covid.  Just to be clear, we're all family but because of different exposures, different daily situations, governor's orders, etc. we can't all be together.  I'm sure we're still breaking some sort of guideline but we're doing the best we can with small children and mental health!!
That said, the kids had a wonderful Christmas sleepover with Grandpa and Grandma H!  Plus, they got to open some presents early and no kid is going to turn that down!!

Kade got set up with new hockey gear!

Can't go wrong with fishing gear for Mase!

After the Friday night sleepover we hosted the annual cookie bake.  Again, 3/5 of the family was missing and it just wasn't the same.  We did manage to make a lot of cookies though.  The kids played and had a great time and the husband's even helped a lot more this year due to the lack of our usual group of cookie bakers.


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