Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Vacation Part 1

Sort of last minute we booked a couple cabins for Erik's 2nd furlough with my parents and some family friends up in Bemidji.  The weather was wonderful and everyone had a great time!  It was easy to social distance because we basically spent all day, every day on the lake either swimming or fishing.  
Of course we had to take the boys to the start of the Mississippi, since we were only about 40 minutes away.  I remember going as a kid and my parents telling me I could walk across it.  In my mind, I was picturing the Mississippi like I'd seen it in Wabasha or LaCrosse.  And I remember it being very anticlimactic when I actually saw the origin.  So, naturally, I did the same thing to my boys!!  Kade was pretty "meh" about it but leave it to Mason to keep things interesting!!

The boys while they're still dry

Look, Mason was even trying to keep his shorts dry!

I didn't go across because I'm pretty sure I've done it about 6 times in my life.  I didn't need to do it again, so I just watched my boys.  I wasn't able to get a picture but imagine my "surprise" (i.e. not surprised at all when it comes to this kid) when I look across, see Mason put his arms out and trust fall backwards into the water.  Yep, Mase was that kid.

And leave it to him to be the awkward kid swimming in people's photo ops.
We actually do know this couple, they were with us but trust me he's in a lot of strangers photos too.
I should note that Kade ended up drenched as well, but not by choice.  Just as we were leaving the poor kid tripped and got soaked.  Thankfully I brought extra clothes for both of them.

Of course, no trip is complete without a few before and afters.

This is me with Melisa in 1988 
(we've been friends since birth!)

32 years later.

Melisa and I with our dads on a motorcycle trip.

And 32 years later!

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