Saturday, July 4, 2020

Catching up on pictures...
The boys were in charge of working up the fields around house this year.
We're going to be surrounded by sweet corn!  
I can't wait!!!

Helping with hay

This picture makes me giggle every time.
I was looking for Erik and couldn't find him.  I looked out the window and there's my farmer checking out the crops.  
He was actually looking at the berm and trying to decide if he needed to mow it but those pants, the hands on the hips, the gloves in the pocket...
Once a farmer, always a farmer.

On your marks...

Isaac and Mason showing off their amphibious pets.

Kade and Owen drinking slushies bigger than their thighs.

It's hard to tell but they are both in a leg of giant underwear.
Yes, they are sticking their fingers out the middle.
Seriously.  Boys.

Waiting patiently for slip n' slide kickball to start.

Our first patron to the 2nd Nutty Bar!

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