Tuesday, July 21, 2020


I can't believe how behind I am on posts!!  We were on vacation last week (post to come) so the week before I was busy meal prepping and packing.  And then I was busy vacationing!  So here we are 2 weeks later.
I'm jumping ahead on my pictures for a very good reason:  our family grew by one teeny, tiny, furry little girl named Trixie!!  
I've been on a list since April.  Erik has been telling me, "NO yorkies!" since April.  But here we are 4 months later with a yorkie puppy.  I feel a little bad not listening to Erik's request but I've had yorkies since I was 5 years old.  I NEED them in my life.  Thankfully the second he laid eyes on her he relented--somewhat.
The boys (mainly Kade) picked out her name.  I wanted "Winnie", Erik wanted "Pita--stands for Pain In The *ss", Mason wanted "Cupcake".  The name Trixie was thrown out as a suggestion and Kade latched on.
Kade cried happy tears, Mason is smitten too but neither one is all that great at puppy responsibilities yet.  Poor Erik, working from home all day every day, is getting the short end of the stick with a dog he was adamant he didn't want.  Lucky for her, she's cute!

Fishing for Trixie.
He put a rubber weight at the end of a pole and she chases it around.

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