Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

I don't think I've ever been this far behind in my blog posts before!  Must be a sign that we're having a fun and busy year because I can't keep up with my weekly updates!

My brother and his family came up from Atlanta and spent Thanksgiving week with us!  It was so fun and as usual went way too fast.  Lucky for them (the girls anyway) we got a pretty decent snowstorm and the girls got to experience some legit playing in the snow.  I think that might've been the highlight for everyone.

Mason's Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast
They got to pick their names, Mason's was "Swimming Fish", which should come as a shock to no one.

Uncle Jeremy, Vivienne and Noella joined us

And then the snow came!  
They were so excited they just had to go check it out.  
Shortly after this picture was taken, Noella (the little one) discovered that icy snowflakes pelting your face is actually not all that awesome and she came in immediately.

Sleepover night

Thanksgiving naps

Cousin bonding

Mason declared that Noella is his best friend!

We unintentionally managed to create the creepiest snow woman in history. 

But she was loved!

Thanksgiving weekend also brought the Gopher Badger game.
The boys were SO EXCITED.
These pictures were taken before the game, unfortunately it didn't take long for the Gophers to disappoint and the smiles quickly vanished.
But the boys had fun dressing up and making "hats"!

Thursday, December 19, 2019

My Little Hunters and Gatherers

Kade got to experience a lot of hunting this year.  He went to Grandpa's woods to help set up deer stands, clear trails, and set up trail cams all year.  Then this fall, he got to be there when they got 2 bucks.  To say he was excited about these experiences is an understatement!  Last year our neighbor took an old gravity wagon and built a mobile deer stand out of it and it's usually parked in a field between our house and theirs.  After his hunting experiences, Kade got an idea to build his own mobile deer stand.

The flat tire and the cardboard meant it didn't last long outside of the garage, so he went bigger and better for the next project!

He even let Mason try it out!

Lady A got him a 3D deer target for Christmas.  And she got both boys orange vests.
These boys are set for some serious hunting!!

Mason practicing gutting a deer with some foam packing material.
That was a fun one to clean up!!

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Kade has been playing basketball for the past couple months.  He's doing really well and absolutely loves playing!  It's been fun to watch him grow (literally) and develop his skills and confidence.
Speaking of growing, he had his 9 year well child exam last week.  His height is literally off the charts!  The doctor told him, "If I had 100 boys out in the lobby that are the same age as you, Kade you are taller than all 100 of them."  He's 4'11.5" tall.  I swear some days it seems like he's grown from the time I dropped him off at school to the time I picked him up.

I think he's gotten the tip off at every game!  

Mason and Harper, the year round cheerleaders!

Charlie, Tyeson and Kade are all on the same team

Every day after school Mason picks up his fishing pole and casts.
This was after the first snow fall, he's still got his backpack on even!  Snow doesn't stop this kid from fishing!!

'Tis the season for hot chocolate and warm hats...in the house.
Love that you can see his eyes peaking over the mug in this picture.

Our pool table has been laying in pieces in the storage room since we moved into this house over 5 years ago.  It was time to either sell it or put it up.  We chose to put it up and Kade was ecstatic!  I swear it used to be bigger, but I think it's just that Kade used to be so much smaller.

The pool table was taken down shortly after these pictures were taken.  
Kade had to be on a step stool to reach the top!!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Holy cow!  Here we are a week after Thanksgiving and I haven't even posted about Halloween yet!!  Time can slow down anytime now. 

The boys thought this statue of Ronald Reagan was pretty awesome.
I'd say they nailed his pose!

Mason's class Halloween party that a parent was kind enough to take pictures and send to me!

Mason and his good buddy, Nyle.  
I love that you can tell by Nyle's eyes he has a huge smile underneath that mask!

Mason's class all dressed up for Halloween.
Obviously Mase is following in his brother's tall footsteps!

My big boys.
Year 2 for the firefighter costume and year 7? for the football player!  
Love their consistency, makes it easy for me!!

Kade and Mason with their buddy, Porter

Kade got to go deer hunting with Grandpa C this year.  To say he was excited is an understatement.  He was beside himself with joy, it's all he talked about for weeks!  I'm so happy for him that he was able to be there, with grandpa, for 2 bucks!!  He was so proud!